As a journalist I think RFID technology is going to provide a lot of fodder to write about. There are privacy issues and novel uses that still are bubbling to the surface. The list below, however, is just for fun. Some activities with RFID just for kicks.
1. Track your dog's motion. Figure out its favorite places to pee and just to mess with him, remove those plants.
2. Go to your grocery store and scan every RFID, get grossed out by learning the origins of where every product comes from
3. RFID graffiti. Find a way to tag on a wall by sticking RFID chips to it. Anyone with a reader will be beamed specific information. The possibilities for the artistic use of RFID are probably the most interesting to me. Creative artists are breaking ground by using the technology in design, clothing, architecture and more.
4. Engage in debates with conservative Christians who claim RFID
technology is the "mark of the beast" (when I worked at Wired I got
lots of emails telling me about this).
5. Come up with fun acronyms.
Really F*King Insidious Device
Rational Foresight Is Destroyed
Rights Forfeitor In Disguise
Ready For Invasiveness, Dude
6. Never lose another object from a friend borrowing it again.
7. Maker RFID tracked parking spaces appear and disappear.
8. Find out if Elvis really has left the building.
9. Get an RFID implant and call someone with lots of tattoos a pussy.
10. Invent RFID toys that interact differently with every child.
These are just off the top of my head. Feel free to add more.
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